The ACR has deemed effective, June 1, 2014 quality control documentation is required for both ultrasound and breast ultrasound accreditation process.
As part of the accreditation application, facilities must demonstrate compliance with the ACR requirements for QC by providing:
Report from the most recent annual survey performed by the medical physicist or designee
Documentation of corrective action (if the annual survey and/or QC data identify performance problems)
The ACR strongly recommends that QC be done under the supervision of a qualified medical physicist. Properly trained individuals can assist the qualified medical physicist in obtaining data, as well as other aspects of the program. These individuals must be approved by the qualified medical physicist in the:
Techniques of performing tests
Function and limitations of the imaging equipment and test instruments
Reasons for the tests Importance of the test results
The qualified medical physicist must review, interpret, and approve all data. If it is not possible for a qualified medical physicist to perform the tasks designated for a medical physicist, these tasks may be performed by other appropriately trained personnel with ultrasound imaging equipment experience. These individuals must be approved by the physician(s) directing the clinical ultrasound practice. (American College of Radiology, 2013)
Please keep in mind if your facility is applying for ACR that quality control documentation is required to be completed within 6 months of submitting the ACR application. If quality control testing is done any more than 6 months prior to submission ACR will not accept the documentation.
American College of Radiology. (2013, September 1). Ultrasound and Breast Ultrasound Accreditation Program Requirements. Retrieved from American College of Radiology.