For nearly 25 years, we at Krueger-Gilbert Health Physics, Inc. (KGHP) have strived to earn the position of respected leader in the diagnostic medical physics field by demonstrating an extraordinary commitment to our clients’ needs. In a transforming industry where the tools, guidelines and regulations for use of radiation technology change rapidly, we have always prided ourselves on our fast, high-quality, and proactive communication with clients. In return, our clients have come to expect an unprecedented model of professional oversight from the reliable and engaged experts of Krueger-Gilbert.
Today, KGHP is taking its communication system to the next level by way of this blog. Through this new forum, we intend to continue to provide the industry’s most robust, client-oriented service by ensuring wider access to the full range of our team’s ideas and wisdom. Furthermore, we will be able to more rapidly capture our experiences and learnings from each case to share with others, permitting our vast network to be more efficient.
KGHP has consistently made use of intelligent and tested internal and external communication systems; this blog is an acceleration of these programs. In essence, our quick communication just got quicker.
Perhaps the most exciting aspect of this new development is the opportunity to enhance the stream of two-way communication between KGHP professionals and our clients. We look forward to hearing from you and being responsive to your thoughts and needs. As always, you can expect our interaction to be one of vested partnership and personal collaboration.
To learn more or to offer a topic suggestion, please share your thoughts in the Comments section below. Thank you for your interest and participation.