The Six Habits of a Highly Effective RSO

Radiation Safety Officer 101

While being an essential part of the functioning of a medical facility, we often find that clients and prospective clients lack a true understanding of the scope, responsibilities and best practices related to the position of Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) in a medical facility. Equally as important, when lapses occur in radiation safety at medical…

Diagnostic Medical Physics Services Costs

How Much Do Diagnostic Medical Physics Services Cost?

As a provider of diagnostic medical physics services, we understand the client’s need to budget and evaluate diagnostic medical physics services costs. For all but the largest research-based facilities, hiring a consulting medical physics group (or individual) is generally a more cost effective solution as facilities typically do not have enough equipment or other duties…

What is diagnostic medical physics?

A key question at most networking events that I attend is “What do you do?” My response of leading a “diagnostic medical physics consulting company” is often met with blank stares and glazed over responses. While it isn’t shocking that your average Joe doesn’t know what a diagnostic medical physicist does, it is quite surprising…

Hospital Awareness for Joint Commission MRI

All hospital employees should be aware that the  Joint Commission may ask how the facility is addressing items 1 to 10 from the Joint Commission Sentinel Alert MRI Some Hospitals have been asked to provide details about: MRI zoning, training, policy and procedure manual. Example: some inspectors have been looking for the zoning signs. Just from an internet search…